Best Pain Free Dentist Near Me

Best dentist in lucknow

Painless Dentistry : Best Pain Free Dentist Near Me

“I fear Dentists” Don’t worry, you are not the only one!!!! We know exactly how you feel and will do everything in our capacity to make you feel as comfortable as possible.

Here is what you can expect at Surya Dental Clinic:-

We Explain: There is no rush, we clearly explain the treatment that needs to be carried out in an easy to understand step by step way.

We listen: We strongly believe in communication and encourage you to discuss your fears with us before committing to any treatment.

We give you time: All our appointments are spaced in a one hour span and we fully focus on your concerns without any distraction.

We wait: We never hurry on a treatment but wait for you to be ready. We stop in between the procedure for you to catch a breath.

We Understand:We know that for some of you the noise of a dental drill is nerve-racking. Hence, we exclusively use smooth and low noise/low vibration dental drills enabling stress-free procedure for you.
We know that for some of you the smell of chemicals used in the clinic is not very pleasing. Hence, we spray our clinic with a hospital grade air freshener to minimize any clinical smell.
We know that for some of you the injection is a scary thing. Hence, before giving an injection, we numb your gums with an anesthetic spray to minimize any discomfort.
We know that music is a great stress-buster. Hence, we maintain a vast selection of music ranging many genre to help you de-stress.